Triathlon Western Australia is seeking expressions of interest (EOI) from interested and suitably qualified individuals to fill roles on the following Board Committees:
• Athlete Advisory Committee
• Diversity and Inclusion Committee
• Honours Committee
Triathlon Western Australia (TWA) is the State Sporting Organisation responsible for the development, promotion and governance of the sport of triathlon throughout Western Australia. TWA is a not-for-profit organisation which is governed by the Board of TWA and affiliated with the national body, AusTriathlon.
TWA’s vision is to create a happier, healthier and more connected community through triathlon and multisport experiences. TWA has a Board of up to five (5) elected and four (4) appointed directors, who set the strategic direction and oversee the organisation. The Board is made up of individuals who have a range of qualifications, skills and experience and encompass diversity in aspects such as gender, age, background and perspective. This supports best practice as outlined in the Australia Sports Commission’s Sport Governance Principles. In addition to the Board, there is a team of staff, led by the Executive Director, who is employed by Triathlon WA.
The Board is seeking to rebuild and expand the Committee structure that supports the work of the organisation. Each Committee has defined Terms of Reference, including the roles and responsibilities of the Committee. They all have the ability to make recommendations to the Board, however are not decision making authorities in their own right. The Committees tend to meet 3-4 times per year, in line with key events or timeframes of the Board.
People from a diverse range of experience and backgrounds are encouraged to nominate. This may include, but is not limited to the following considerations:
• people identifying as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
• persons with a disability that is ongoing
• people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
• people of all genders
• people identifying as LGBTQI+
• people currently living in a regional location in Western Australia
The Triathlon WA Athlete Advisory Committee (AAC) is a new subcommittee established by the Triathlon WA Board to assist the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities relating to:
• The strategic direction for growth and retention of membership and participation.
• Matters that impact members and participants at all levels of the sport, such as programs, education, communications, race calendar and more.
The TWA Board is seeking up to eight (8) individuals to join this committee for a period of two (2) years:
o Up to six (6) current age group athletes who have participated in at least four (4) sanctioned events over the preceding two (2) seasons
o Up to two (2) current Open athletes that do not hold a professional licence
o Up to two (2) current pro athletes, including para
o Up to two (2) current Team WA pathway athletes
o Up to two (2) current accredited Triathlon Coaches (Development or higher)
• Where possible, membership should achieve a balance of athletes who represent a range of racing and training environments, and gender balance.
DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION COMMITTEE (Formerly Women in Triathlon Committee)
The Triathlon WA Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee is an expanded subcommittee appointed by the Triathlon WA Board to assist the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities relating to:
• Advising on the strategic direction of diversity and inclusion for TWA.
• Creating a culture that is welcoming and inclusive within the sport of triathlon.
• Putting forward recommendations to increase participation in DLGSC targeted inclusion demographics of: women and girls, youth, First Nations, CaLD, disability, aged and LGBTIQ+, as per the strategic direction of TWA.
The TWA Board is seeking the following to join this committee for a period of two (2) years:
• Up to five (5) individuals who may or may not be a Triathlon WA member, and who have appropriate expertise and experience. A strong preference is to seek individuals who have diverse backgrounds and lived experience within the targeted inclusion areas.
The Triathlon WA Honours Committee is a new subcommittee established by the Triathlon WA Board to assist the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities relating to:
• The endorsement and / or selection of members for Triathlon WA Annual Awards.
• The endorsement and / or selection of members for any other appropriate state or national awards.
• Review and make any recommended changes to various awards policies.
The TWA Board is seeking the following to join this committee for a period of two (2) years:
• Up to two (2) individuals who are currently involved in the sport at local, state or national level
• Up to two (2) individuals who are TWA Life Members
• Nominees must be over 16 years of age
• Nominees must complete the Nomination Form provided, which is submitted to the Executive Director by 5:00pm AWST Monday 31 March 2025 via email:
• All positions as a Committee member are voluntary and not remunerated.
• You may sit on more than one committee at any one time.
• Committee Members must declare their interest in any contractual, selection, disciplinary or other matter in which a conflict of interest arises or may arise, and will absent themselves from discussions of that matter and will not be entitled to vote in respect of that matter.
• In compliance with current legislation, all Committee Members, where applicable, may be asked to provide a Working with Children (WWC) Check. If exempt from a WWC Check, candidates may be required to apply for National Police Clearance for Volunteers. Your nomination to the Committee indicates acceptance of this condition.
• Committee Meetings are usually held in person at the TWA Office in Floreat, however venues may change and attendance via Teams video calls are also an option. Most Committees will meet 3-4 times per year.
All current financial members of TWA will be emailed EOI information, including the attached form which enables candidates to prepare their nomination.
Candidates need to:
• Complete the attached Nomination Form
• Submit via email no later than 5:00pm AWST Monday 31 March 2025
For more information, please contact the TWA Executive Director on 08 9443 9778 or email
Once nominations close, all candidates will be reviewed by the relevant Committee Chair, the President and/or the Executive Director. The Committee Chairs will make a recommendation to the Triathlon WA Board, who will make the final decision.