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2024 World Triathlon Multisport World Championship – Townsville: Steve’s Experience

2024 World Triathlon Multisport World Championship – Townsville: Steve’s Experience

Date: 13 Nov 2024
Posted: 3 months ago

The 2024 World Triathlon Multisport World Championship in Townsville was a standout event for Steve Norton, an experienced WA technical official who in August took leave from his regular job and completed a 12-day stint as part of the technical team. Despite the long hours and intense racing schedule, Norton described it as an experience he’d gladly repeat.

“Would I do it again? You betcha,” he said, reflecting on the event, adding that the event’s sunny 28-degree days with barely a hint of rain made conditions ideal.

As the Chief Bike South for age group races and Assistant Bike for elite races, Norton had a front-row seat to world-class competition. “Watching athletes from all over the world compete and meeting them was fantastic,” he shared, noting that being part of the team that helped officiate the event was a true privilege for him.

Even with specific roles assigned, officials jumped in wherever they were needed, working seamlessly to ensure the event ran smoothly. It was collaboration that made the experience so rewarding.

One of the highlights for Steve was seeing part of the long course run through the famous Townsville V8 track, typically closed to the public. “I think athletes and officials (and the motorbike riders) loved that experience,” he said.

Friendship was a huge aspect of the event for Steve. “Officials came from across the world. I got reacquainted with old friends, and made a lot of new friends along the way,” he said.

Steve was roomed with a fellow official named Troyce, who had travelled all the way from Canada and would be working as Chief Bike North. Though they had never met before, Steve and Troyce got on like a house on fire. The pair quickly earned the nickname “the bros” from the technical team. “We laughed all the time, made sure that everyone else laughed with us, went everywhere together, but still went about doing our role,” Norton recalled.

Reflecting on funny moments, Norton recounted a lighter side of the championship. “The most memorable experience for me…was convincing an English official that Drop Bears were real,” he laughed, adding that the tale still brings a chuckle to the team.

Summing up his time in Townsville, Norton concluded that “just being part of a World Championship is one of the most rewarding experiences that you can have.”