Type in your address or suburb below to find a coach offering club / squad training sessions near you. The address listed is the coach’s primary location but there could be multiple training locations so it is always best to get in touch with the coach you are interested in training with.
A list of all Triathlon WA Affiliated Coaches offering Individual / Online Programs can be found underneath the map.
Name | Coach Level | Phone | |
Grant Landers | High Performance | 0409107038 | |
Kate Bevilaqua | Performance | 0402248899 | |
Mick Bray | Performance | 0448541330 | |
Guy Crawford | Performance | 0401663656 | |
Vicki Delves | Performance | 0409746839 | |
Stu Denton | Performance | 0433599557 | |
Stu Durham | Performance | 0423310968 | |
Mike Gee | Performance | 0403947319 | |
Steve Gleeson | Performance | 0451589197 | |
Chris Hanrahan | Performance | 0408632383 | |
Corrie Johnstone | Performance | 0415834223 | |
Paul Jones | Performance | ||
Janine Kaye | Performance | 0412850010 | |
Brian Kempson | Performance | 0400009257 | |
Christina Ladyman | Performance | 0401167738 | |
Paul Mackay | Performance | 0421104841 | |
Ross Pedlow | Performance | 0403779092 | |
Ryan Bailie | Development | 0423116994 | |
Raf Baugh | Development | 0478841104 | |
Alex Barron | Development | 0431979427 | |
Sue Beattie | Development | 0457969572 | |
Victoria Burrows-Bilton | Development | 0422964310 | |
Joao Carlos Bernardes Neto | Development | 0466808647 | |
Derek Cross | Development | 0477754649 | |
Merredith Douglas | Development | 0403770555 | |
Peter Escott | Development | 0403768294 | |
Russell Fitzgerald | Development | 0431741504 | |
Ben Freer | Development | 0418881937 | |
Nathan Groch | Development | 0498268059 | |
John Hallis | Development | 0419274525 | |
Andrea Hopkins | Development | 0427465887 | |
Brad Kaye | Development | 0477305888 | |
Geoff Large | Development | 0412289765 | |
James Lewin | Development | 0422864611 | |
Mel Longman | Development | 0409085575 | |
John McCann | Development | 0498023717 | |
Gaye McKean | Development | 0422412716 | |
Emma Moon | Development | 0405256556 | |
Robyn Scott | Development | 0439965421 | |
Sue Scott | Development | 0428130410 | |
Peta Woodland | Development | 0412194943 |