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Duathlon World Championships Townsville: WA Results

Duathlon World Championships Townsville: WA Results

Date: 19 Aug 2024
Posted: 6 months ago

The 2024 World Triathlon Multisport World Championships in Townsville has kicked off with an electrifying start! In the opening days, we’ve witnessed exhilarating performances as athletes tackled the 2024 World Triathlon Duathlon Championships and the 2024 World Triathlon Sprint Distance Duathlon World Championships.

The competition has been fierce, with our West Aussies making a strong impression and securing impressive results. It was fantastic to see Katherine Ryan, Greg Salter, and Darren Powell all clinch podium spots in their respective age groups, while several other age group athletes cracked the top 10. Congratulations to all athletes who raced!

WA Athlete Results

Athlete Name (A-Z)DistanceCategoryResultTime
Mark AslingStandard Duathlon55-59 Male AG24th02:30:35
Mark AslingSprint Duathlon55-59 Male AG31st01:12:38
Alex BarronSprint Duathlon30-34 Male AG Sprint20th01:19:18
Luke BateSprint DuathlonElite Men16th00:54:57
Richard BurnellSprint Duathlon65-69 Male AG Sprint8th01:16:02
Ross ClarkSprint Duathlon70-74 Male AG Sprint16th01:23:05
Stuart DurhamSprint Duathlon50-54 Male AG Sprint8th01:01:59
Lilian FlockenhausStandard Duathlon50-54 Female AG19th02:46:11
Reece HarrisSprint DuathlonElite Men20th00:56:30
Bart HollemansStandard Duathlon50-54 Male AG6th02:03:13
Rowan KerrSprint DuathlonElite/U23 MenElite: 30th
U23: 10th
Chris KileySprint Duathlon70-74 Male AG Sprint5th01:13:25
Sam MilehamSprint DuathlonElite MenDNF
Natasha PertweeSprint Duathlon50-54 Female AG Sprint4th01:08:12
Darren PowellSprint Duathlon55-59 Male AG Sprint2nd00:59:17
Katherine RyanStandard Duathlon55-59 Female AG3rd02:13:47
Greg SalterSprint Duathlon70-74 Male AG Sprint3rd01:11:18
Matt SmithSprint DuathlonElite Men26th00:59:34
Steve WareStandard Duathlon65-69 Male AG4th02:15:39
Steve WareSprint Duathlon65-69 Male AG Sprint4th01:07:25

Next up on the race schedule is the Cross Triathlon World Championships, followed by the Cross Duathlon! Good luck to our members racing:

Cross Triathlon Cross Duathlon
Craig ApplebyCraig Appleby
Justine BoltonPaul Cochrane
Richard BurnellDarren Gogan
Paul CochraneAlison Ramm
Paul GarwoodMarcus Rooney
Darren Gogan
Emma Leonard
Ruth Metcalf
Alison Ramm
Marcus Rooney
Katherine Ross
Virginia Westwood
Bart Hollemans