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Notice of TWA Annual General Meeting


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 2022 Annual General Meeting of Triathlon Western Australia Incorporated will be conducted at 3:45pm (WST) on Saturday, 22 October 2022. 
Members of the association will be able to attend the meeting in person at the nominated venue below OR online via Microsoft Teams (link provided below)

  • Leederville Function Centre, 246 Vincent Street Leederville OR
  • Microsoft Teams by clicking here

AGENDA: The agenda for the Annual General Meeting can be found HERE   

ATTENDANCE AND VOTING:  Pursuant to Rule 21.1 of the Constitution of Triathlon Western Australia Incorporated dated September 2019, each Individual Member and Life Member over the age of 18 years at the time of the Annual General Meeting is entitled to one (1) vote at that Annual General Meeting.  No other Member will be entitled to vote. 

VOTING PROCEDURE: Voting at the Annual General Meeting will be as per 20.4 of the Constitution of Triathlon Western Australia Incorporated dated September 2019: At any meeting a resolution put to the vote of the meeting will be decided on a show of hands unless a poll is (before or on the declaration of the result of the show of hands) demanded:
(1)    by the Chair; or
(2)    by a simple majority of Individual Members. 

An election for the four vacant Board positions will be in accordance with Rule 25.2(5) of the Constitution of Triathlon Western Australia Incorporated dated September 2019. 


National Integrity Framework Implementation

Triathlon WA has recently adopted the National Integrity Framework. This is an important and great step forward for our sport to help us ensure Triathlon is a safe, fair environment for everyone who participates. The National Integrity Framework is a suite of new integrity policies around issues like child safety, member protection, illicit drugs, competition manipulation and others. Today, all members of Triathlon will be bound by the policies.

In addition to the new policies, we have also adopted a new independent complaint handling process, run by Sport Integrity Australia. This means that all members can raise any integrity concerns directly to Sport Integrity Australia, who will review each complaint, and make any disciplinary decisions, independent of Triathlon. 

The suite of policies within the Framework can be found on Integrity In Triathlon sports integrity page on the Triathlon Australia website and include:

  • National Integrity Framework
  • Member Protection Policy
  • Child Safeguarding Policy
  • Competition Manipulation and Sport Wagering Policy
  • Improper Use of Drugs and Medicine Policy
  • Complaints, Disputes and Discipline Policy

What do you need to know?

All participants should familiarise themselves with the National Integrity Framework and in particular the Prohibited Conduct contained within each policy.

From 22 August 2022 if you have a concern or a complaint about an integrity matter related to the above policies, you can submit your concern directly to Sport Integrity Australia using their webform or by phoning 13 000 27232.

Triathlon WA will continue to manage other complaints unrelated to these policies, such as Selection Policy disputes.

Click here to view a flyer with some e-learning resources. Triathlon WA will continue to provide education and support in relation to the NIF to our clubs going forward.

For more information on the National Integrity Framework and what Sport Integrity Australia will manage, visit https://www.triathlon.org.au/Assets/Triathlon+Australia+Digital+Assets/National+Integrity+Framework+Summary+Booklet.pdf

For more information:

Triathlon Australia

National Integrity Manager is Adam Kyle – adam.kyle@triathlon.org.au
National Complaint Manager is Adam Kyle – adam.kyle@triathlon.org.au

New Participant Privacy Measures in Place for TWA Events

Triathlon WA (TWA) is committed to providing a safer and more inclusive environment for our community. As an organisation we are always looking for ways to improve our practices for the benefit of our members and participants. As such, TWA is committed to making the following changes in relation to Triathlon WA owned events (the SunSmart Busselton Festival of Triathlon, the Rockingham Foreshore Triathlon and the newly acquired Every Woman Triathlon).

Public Release of Start Lists

TWA acknowledges that publicly listing participant information can be undesirable for some individuals, and it may discourage them from registering for an event altogether. Consequently, TWA will now provide an option on our registration forms asking every participant IF they would like their name removed from pre/post event promotion.

Public Release of Results

Similarly, participants will be given the opportunity to have their name and any other personal details removed from public race results. We will work with timing companies to ensure a non-identifiable feature (e.g. just a race number) will be in place for those who have chosen this option. The participant’s finish position and race time will remain in the system.

Event Photography

TWA appreciates that not every participant is comfortable with photos of themselves being used for promotional purposes. This season we are offering all registrants of our owned events the option to add a ‘No Photo Please’ sticker to their race bib, and use the ‘No Photo Please’ action. These measures will help photographers and staff quickly identify participants who prefer not to have their image shared online.

  • No Photo Please Action: If a participant prefers not to have their image taken, we ask that a ‘No Photo Please’ action is used as a signal to photographers. The participant should cross their arms in front of their body (as seen in the image below) when it is safe and possible to do so when in view of a photographer.
  • No Photo Please Sticker: Participants can request a ‘No Photo Please’ sticker that can be added to their race numbers. These will be available at athlete pack collection.

Due to the volume and scale of media being created at events, there will be a margin of error but we will do our best to respect participant preferences. Participant images may still be used where a race number, sticker or hand gesture can not be seen (e.g. during the swim, or in crowd shots). Participants may still appear in the event livestreams or in the professionally produced event videos due to the static nature of the cameras.

We will be working with event photographers to ensure they are:

  • Well recognised by high-vis vests and/or media accreditation
  • Registered with Triathlon WA prior to the event so they can be provided with a briefing on our policies, procedures, and etiquette.

Triathlon events take place in public, open spaces, so we cannot control all photos that are taken at the event. However, we hope that through our educational processes and working with our contracted/known event photographers the above measures will be followed.

Taking and sharing photos and videos is a great way for our participants to interact, document successes and celebrate good news stories, but we do appreciate that this may not be welcomed by all. If you would like to have a photo of yourself removed from our social platform, please reach out to us via admin@wa.triathlon.org.au. All enquires are treated confidentially.

TWA wants to ensure that everyone who is involved in this great sport feels safe and well respected. We will work with our clubs, race directors and contractors to uphold these guidelines and we hope to see this being embraced across all events in the coming seasons.

TWA Welcomes New Executive Director

Triathlon WA welcomed Glenn Te Raki to the team last week. Glenn joins TWA for a contracted period until 30 June 2023 and brings with him an extensive track record in commercial operations, strategic planning and governance of sporting associations.

Te Raki said “After a swift but detailed handover, it has been a good start for me, getting an educated understanding of Triathlon WA. What has become clear from the outset is the dedication, drive and experience we have in the team here in the TWA office at SportHQ. 

It is also exciting to be so close to the opening for the SunSmart Busselton Festival of Triathlon registrations and next year’s 2023 event is already shaping up to be another popular weekend on the racing calendar. 

I look forward to getting out to as many events as I can over the Summer and welcome any feedback either in person or via email to the office to make sure myself and my team are delivering the required outcomes to provide a successful and sustainable season ahead.”

Call for Elected Board Members

Triathlon Western Australia is seeking nominations from interested and suitably qualified individuals to fill four (4) Board Positions commencing in October 2022 (following the TWA AGM on Saturday, 22 October).

TWA is committed to gender diversity within all levels of the sport in Western Australia, including a balanced representation of gender within its leadership.  Females interested in a unique opportunity to contribute at a strategic level to TWA are strongly encouraged to nominate for the vacant Board positions.

Nomination Form

Nominations for the position of Elected Board Member need to be;

  • In writing, on the attached nomination form and
  • Delivered (in person or electronically) to Executive Director of Triathlon WA at the address below, before 5:00pm Friday, 30 September 2022.

By email to:
Executive Director
Email: executive@wa.triathlon.org.au

Or in person to:
Triathlon Western Australia
SportHQ, 203 Underwood Avenue, FLOREAT, WA, 6014

Ph: 08 9443 9778 Office hours 9:00am – 5:00pm Monday-Friday ONLY For more information, please contact Glenn Te Raki, Executive Director, TWA on 08 9443 9778 or executive@wa.triathlon.org.au


Skill Set A: Business and Commercial Management

Experience or skills include but not limited to;

  • Legal Acumen
  • Negotiating/Contract Management
  • Dispute resolution/mediation
  • Financial Acumen – financial processes, Not-for-Profit financial management, interpreting reports
  • Change Management                                                                                                

Skill Set B: Brand/Marketing and Sponsorship

Experience or skills include but not limited to;

  • Marketing and Brand Strategy
  • Digital Media Experience
  • Sponsorship Acquisition                                                                                                                          

Skill Set C: Stakeholder/Media Engagement

  • Political Relations
  • Government Relationship/Engagement
  • Member/Customer Engagement
  • Media Connections

In addition to the above, Board Members should have experience within;

  • Strategic Planning,
  • Governance,
  • Risk Management and
  • Financial Management

Interested candidates are required to demonstrate experience in EITHER Skill Set A or B or C. Additional skills listed above are highly desirable.  

Introducing the Triathlon WA Member Wellness Package

Triathlon Western Australia is pleased to announce a new series of wellness benefits for our members focused around both mental and physical health.


Star Physio’s physiotherapists, exercise physiologists and rehabilitation gurus are well trained in their respective fields to help patients recover from injuries and gain optimum health.

Find your local Star Physio location in Mosman Park, West Perth or Perth CBD.

TWA Member exclusive offer/s:

  • Star Physio is offering TWA Members 10% off the full price of all services


Float and Restore offer floatation therapy, massage therapy (remedial, relaxation, hot stone), and sauna experiences.

Floatation therapy is scientifically proven to quiet the mind and create a heightened state of relaxation. Float and Restore’s dream pods are soundproof and filled with a combination of water and 700kg of magnesium, so your body floats effortlessly and your brain and body can reset.

Float and Restore support all major health providers in WA for their professional remedial massage services.

Find your local store at Lakeside Joondalup Shopping Centre or Westfield Carousel.

TWA Member exclusive offer/s:

  • 1 x 45 minute float for $45, or
  • 1 x 3 float package for just $150 per member


Coastal Orthopaedics are a group of nine world class Orthopaedic Surgeons who provide treatments relating to the shoulder, hip, knee, foot, ankle, hand and wrist. They also provide specialised care for pediatric patients, patients with sporting injuries, and patients who have experienced trauma.

The Coastal Orthopaedic Group are based in the Perth Metropolitan area, but also provide consultation in Mandurah, the Wheatbelt, Esperance and the Goldfields.

TWA Member exclusive offer/s:

  • Coastal Orthopaedics is minimising out of pocket expenses for TWA Members, including a special discounted rate for consultations and facilitation of bulk billed imaging in many cases


Diamond Fitness provides world-class strength and conditioning for athletes of all ages and levels.

TWA Member exclusive offer/s:

  • Discounted gym membership at both Diamond Fitness locations, which includes a triathlon-specific strength and conditioning program and support from personal trainers


OTLR focuses on providing critical education for mental health and other social issues, while also providing education for communities to become leaders and inclusive for everyone. OTLR provides education to sporting clubs, schools and workplaces across Australia, looking to show that sport is more than just a game, that in schools the stigma stops here and provide workplaces the space to connect their community through conversation.

Ativan from https://www.lafayetteindental.com/buying-ativan/ is indicated for the treatment of neurotic, neurosis-like, and psychopathic conditions, as well as hypochondriac-cenestopathic syndrome and autonomic dysfunctions characterized by increased irritability, anxiety, fear, psychomotor agitation, and emotional lability lasting 2-4 days. Dosage may be increased up to 4-6mg/day based on efficacy and tolerability.

TWA Member exclusive offer/s:

  • Free club-based program which includes one workshop per club on a topic of their choice

Triathlon WA Coach Education Scholarships

Thanks to the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC), Triathlon WA is excited to release our first round of coach development scholarships. We will be offering ten (10) positions on the “Supporting the Female Athlete” short courses through La Trobe University, free of charge to selected coaches.

Successful applicants MUST be available to complete the entire course.

To apply for the scholarship please complete the application via the following link. Closing date of the applications is: 5:00pm Friday 12 August 2022. No late applications will be accepted.

TWA will notify successful applicants by Tuesday 16 August 2022.

You must fulfill the following criteria;

  • Be a current Triathlon Australia Accredited Coach
  • Be a current Triathlon Australia/TWA member with appropriate Coaching Membership
  • Be in good standing with Triathlon Australia/TWA

The State government through the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries is a major supporter of Triathlon WA and our Coach Education Scholarship Program in Western Australia. Sport and recreation creates vibrant, inclusive and connected WA communities.

Course Information: Supporting the Female Athlete

With the increased awareness and focus on the unique physiology and requirements of females in sport, this short course is designed to advance your knowledge and skills in the areas of training, nutrition and injury prevention for female athletes. Designed to benefit coaches and support staff at all levels of sport, particularly within the development pathway, participants will also gain an understanding of how to create healthy sporting cultures that support optimal performance for female athletes.

This online short course is delivered in four self-paced modules that include informative seminars by leading practitioners in female health and performance, as well as Q&A sessions with athletes and coaches. The modules will be followed by a four-week applied learning block which will involve group discussions with other participants in the course, as well as an opportunity to apply some of your learnings directly within your sporting environment. A certificate of recognition will be sent upon successful completion of the course.

The course takes an estimated total of 5 hours to complete, followed by a four-week applied learning block where participants can put their knowledge into practice. This phase does not rely on participants having direct access to athletes during this period and will also involve peer-to-peer discussions within the online learning cohort. Students will have access to the course for up to six months.

Includes presentations from:

  • Professor Sophia Nimphius, Edith Cowan University, specialist in the enhancement of athletic performance and reduction of injury risk.
  • Professor Holly Thorpe, founding member of the High Performance Sport New Zealand WHISPA (Healthy Women in Sport: A Performance Advantage) multi-disciplinary working group.
  • Alicia Edge, CEO of Compeat Nutrition and Performance Dietitian for Football Australia.
  • Ros Cooke, Lead Physiotherapist for England Netball and Team GB Women’s Football.

Click here for more information on the program.

Please contact TWA Programs and Pathways manager Mike Gee directly for enquiries:
E: programs@wa.triathlon.org.au P: 08 9443 9778

Executive Director Appointment: Glenn Te Raki

The Triathlon WA (TWA) Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Glenn Te Raki as Executive Director, for a contracted period until 30 June 2023.

Te Raki is an experienced senior sports management professional, with an extensive track record in commercial operations, strategic planning and governance of sporting associations. This includes experience at State Sporting Association (SSA) level with West Cycle as Chief Operating Officer as well as previous roles in commercial retail and sales.

TWA President Steve Lyon said, “We are delighted to have attracted a candidate of Glenn’s quality to work with us over the remainder of the season. His strong governance background and experience across the sporting industry will be highly beneficial to the organisation”.

Te Raki said “I’m very excited to be joining Triathlon WA for the coming period. My goal is to continue leading the exceptional work that the team has put in place to ensure our members have another challenging and rewarding season ahead” 

Te Raki will commence his new role with TWA on 22 August 2022. Contact details will be provided at that time

Triathlon WA Proposed Constitution Changes 2022


In response to evolving governance expectations from Sport Australia (SportAus) and the WA Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC), the Triathlon WA Board has commissioned a working group to review the Association’s constitution to confirm it remains in line with governance best practice and the current business environment.


A Constitution Working Group has been established to oversee the constitution review. The members of the Committee are:

  • John McCann, Chair, TWA Board Member
  • Henrietta Farrell, TWA Board Member
  • James Nelson, TWA Member Representative
  • Fran Jones, Administration Manager, SportWest (Independent)
  • Ashleigh Apps, TWA Executive Director


A special resolution proposing constitutional changes will be presented for member vote at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 22 October 2022. A critical step in the process is member consultation and incorporation of member feedback in relation to the changes.

Members are invited to submit comments or questions to the Triathlon WA Executive Director, Ashleigh Apps, via admin@wa.triathlon.org.au, or by telephone on (08) 9443 9778. All feedback must be received before 12 noon AWST on Friday, 19 August 2022.

Members are also invited to participate in a Microsoft Teams online discussion with the Triathlon WA Board at 6:00pm – 7:00pm AWST on Wednesday, 17 August 2022. Please register below to attend.



Proposed changes distributed to members29 July 2022
Online member feedback session6:00pm 17 August 2022
Close of submissions for feedback12noon 19 August 2022
TWA Board review of Member feedback and proposed updated Constitution endorsed by Board31 August 2022
Notice of AGM, Special Resolution and Proxy Forms dispatched to members30 September 2022 (21 days prior to AGM)
Triathlon WA Annual General Meeting22 October 2022 at 3:15pm


Athlete Pathway Program Selection Announcement 2022/23

The Triathlon WA Athlete Pathway Program provides an inclusive pathway to assist junior athletes aged 13-23 years to progress to higher levels of the sport and/or Triathlon Australia’s Athlete Categorisation.

The Next Generation squad is comprised of athletes who display sport-specific skills and show interest in the sport of triathlon. The Development Squad are athletes who have built skills in draft legal racing and show demonstrated signs towards a performance mindset. The Talent Squad are athletes experienced in draft-legal racing and have proven results at national/local triathlon and single discipline competitions.

Congratulations to the following athletes who have been selected for the 2022/23 Athlete Pathway Program:

Talent Squad

  • Tommaso Puccini – UWA Triathlon Club
  • Madison Toovey – North Coast Triathlon Club
  • James Kjellgren-Lewis – Fremantle Triathlon Club
  • Indie Arbuckle – Team XTR
  • Rhianna Hepburn – UWA Triathlon Club
  • Will Cramsie – North Coast Triathlon Club
  • Joshua Neervoort – Fremantle Triathlon Club
  • Billie Mincham – Fremantle Triathlon Club
  • Emily White – Fremantle Triathlon Club
  • Bridie Crew – North Coast Triathlon Club

Development Squad

  • Rowan Kerr – Team XTR
  • Daniel Buis – North Coast Triathlon Club
  • Reece Harris – Mandurah Triathlon Club
  • Joshua Fletcher – Exceed Triathlon Club
  • Sienna Hathrill – Non-club
  • Jacob Palmer – Exceed Triathlon Club
  • Amelie Erskine – North Coast Triathlon Club
  • Daniel Stewart – EFS Triathlon & Multisport Club
  • Erin Driscoll – North Coast Triathlon Club
  • Ivan Nagel – EFS Triathlon & Multisport Club
  • Connor Richards – North Coast Triathlon Club
  • William Holden – North Coast Triathlon Club

Next Generation

  • Ryan Macpherson – North Coast Triathlon Club
  • Mathijs Travasso – Non-club
  • Connor Fraser – Bunbury Triathlon Club
  • Ben Mostert – EFS Triathlon & Multisport Club
  • Jett Sultana – North Coast Triathlon Club
  • Eric Aspeling – Mandurah Triathlon Club
  • Remy Patterson – UWA Triathlon Club
  • Megan Macpherson – North Coast Triathlon Club
  • Luke Williams – North Coast Triathlon Club
  • Jack Wicks – Mandurah Triathlon Club
  • Patryk Szczypkowski – North Coast Triathlon Club
  • Harrison Weston – EFS Triathlon & Multisport Club
  • Ava Henville – Exceed Triathlon Club
  • Rebecca Puccini – UWA Triathlon Club
  • Lucienne Brozicevich – Fremantle Triathlon Club
  • Lucas Landers – UWA Triathlon Club
  • Thor Sultana – North Coast Triathlon Club
  • Ella James – Perth Hills Triathlon Club
  • Brie MacDonald – EFS Triathlon & Multisport Club
  • Ella Friend- North Coast Triathlon Club
  • Beatrix Erskine – North Coast Triathlon Club
  • Annabelle Behan – Bunbury Triathlon Club
  • Isabella Neervoort – Fremantle Triathlon Club
  • Zach Martinick – UWA Triathlon Club
  • Riley Botha – Armadale Triathlon Club