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TWA Board Committees Expression of Interest

TWA Board Committees Expression of Interest

Date: 05 Apr 2024
Posted: 11 months ago

Triathlon Western Australia is seeking expressions of interest (EOI) from interested and suitably qualified individuals to fill roles on the following Board Committees:

  • Audit and Risk Committee
  • Nominations Committee
  • Technical Reference Panel

Triathlon Western Australia (TWA) is the State Sporting Organisation responsible for the development, promotion and governance of the sport of triathlon throughout Western Australia. TWA is a not-for-profit organisation which is governed by the Board of TWA. TWA is one of eight (8) State Associations, which make up the membership of the national body, AusTriathlon.

TWA’s vision is to inspire Western Australians to embrace triathlon as a lifestyle, recreation or sporting pursuit and we will do this by growing, strengthening and connecting the triathlon community through membership, clubs, programs and major events.

TWA has a Board of up to five elected and four appointed directors, who set the strategic direction and oversee the organisation. The Board is made up of both TWA members and independent individuals, who have a range of qualifications, skills and experience and encompass diversity in aspects such as gender, age, background and perspective. This supports best practice as outlined in the Australia Sports Commission’s Sport Governance Principles. In addition to the Board, there is a team of staff, led by the Executive Director, who are employed by Triathlon WA.

The Board is seeking to rebuild the Committee structure that supports the work of the organisation. Each of the Committees has a defined Terms of Reference, including the roles and responsibilities of the Committee. They all have the ability to make recommendations to the Board, however are not decision making authorities in their own right. The Committees will tend to meet 3-4 times per year, in line with key events or timeframes of the Board.

How to Nominate:
Candidates need to complete the attached Nomination Form, and submit it via email to mel.farley@wa.triathlon.org.au by no later than 5:00pm AWST on Tuesday 7 May 2024.

For more information, please contact the Executive Director, TWA on 08 9443 9778 or email mel.farley@wa.triathlon.org.au